
Under the Sun Photo Art Show Surfindian in Pacific Beach

Photos by Bruce Jaimeson Jr.- www.circa78.com

A couple weeks back Ryan Tatar and myself had a show at the Surfindian Gallery in Pacific Beach, CA. It was called "Shakas and Seppos." For Ryan's work check out his blog www.shakasandsinglefins.blogspot.com.

My work features 35mm and Medium Format photographs printed with water-based inks onto sustainably forested wood and sealed with Bee's Wax. They are going fast, if interested contact Chris at Surfindian Gallery (858) 412.5334


flying said...

Hi Cyrus,
i have a small surfshop in the north f Spain, and besides selling Under the Sun, I'd really like to do something for its dvd release.
Can you get in contact ?
thanks, Florian


Cyrus said...

Hi Florian,

I'm sure we could work something out. What's your email?
